Psychology and Coaching
Psychology and Coaching
Welcome! StudioPersona is a virtual and real space, based on the use of the word as a cure. Our emotions and our behaviors can be transmitted and told and this story becomes a tool for treatment.
Welcome! StudioPersona is a virtual and face to face space grounded on the use of language as a way of healing. Our emotions and behaviors can be communicated and told and this "telling" becomes a way to heal.
Who I am
Who I am
Dopo la Laurea in Psicologia Clinica ho proseguito con gli studi per diventare Psicoterapeuta presso la Scuola IPRA a Milano. Ho inoltre acquisito la certificazione come Coach con ICF (International Coaching Federation). Sono iscritta all'Albo Professionale degli Psicologi. In base al Codice Deontologico degli Psicologi e’ previsto l’esercizio della la professione di psicologo sia in presenza che online.
Aree di specializzazione per la psicoterapia online
After graduating in Psychology I continued with the certification as a Coach with ICF (International Coaching Federation). I continued with my studies to become a psychotherapist. The areas I deal with are the psychology of relationships, personal and professional coaching, the themes of compassion and del emotional well-being. From about three decades I also deal with the development of people in organizations, professional and personal growth in the company and the development of collaboration in teams. When I'm not in my studio, virtual or in person, you will find me in the bookstore leafing through travel guides, art books and graphic novels or among the vases on the balcony trying to make something pop out of the earth, with mixed success.
I am fluent in English and I am available for sessions in English as well as in Italian.
Oltre la Psicoterapia Online: le altre aree di competenza
Da circa tre decadi inoltre mi occupo anche di sviluppo delle persone nelle organizzazioni, di crescita professionale e personale in azienda e di sviluppo della collaborazione nei team. Ho conseguito il Master MSc in Organizational Change presso HULT School in UK. Sono certificata come assessor per diversi strumenti quali MBTI e OPQ e ho conseguito il Diploma in Grafologia presso la Societe' Francaise de Graphologie a Parigi.
Qualche informazione in più su di me
Quando non sono nel mio studio, virtuale o in presenza, mi troverete in libreria a sfogliare guide di viaggio, libri di arte e graphic novels o tra i vasi sul balcone a cercare di far spuntare qualcosa dalla terra, con alterne fortune.
I am fluent in English and I am available for sessions in English as well as in Italian